Friday, December 13, 2013

Homeward Bound

No tubes!
 Lily is  officially coming home tomorrow! She continues to do wonderfully with her feedings and at two of her feedings today, Laura breastfed her (at which she did excellently). We are very excited to finally get to bring her home. Thank you for all your prayers and please continue praying for her full recovery! We have quite a road ahead, but just in the next week or so we have appointments with the pediatrician, neurologist, audiologist, optometrist, etc., etc., so please pray for everything to work out with scheduling, babysitting, the other kids getting adjusted to Lily being at home, and so forth.

Thank you all again for all of your prayers and support!


  1. I'm so thrilled to hear that Lily is heading home! Please continue to update the blog. I offer up a prayer for Lily as often as I can, and I'd love to see how she's doing. Praying for a complete recovery! God is Good!

  2. Yay baby! We're praying so hard for a full recovery, what an encouraging week for you guys!!

  3. What wonderful news! Thinking of your family often and cheering for these beautiful successes!
